Meetings are held regularly in our Vincent House on the second Sunday of each month (except August). Please contact Fr. Hilary O'Leary, OSB, Oblate Director, with any questions.
Oblates generally meet on the third Sunday of every month after the 11 a.m. Mass, unless otherwise indicated. Meetings take place in the lounge of Vincent House, the building adjacent to the Abbey Church. Conferences, guest speakers, group discussions on recommended readings and reports from oblates on how they are following the Rule of St. Benedict in their daily lives, afford oblates the opportunity for spiritual growth and enrichment. Our meetings conclude with Midday Prayer in common.
Every year there is a joint meeting with the Oblates of Newark Abbey, Newark, New Jersey and St. Walburga Monastery, Elizabeth, New Jersey, with a speaker provided by the host monastery. Every second year there is a national meeting of all Oblate Directors and Oblate representatives of North America. Every third year one oblate from each monastery is selected to attend the International Meeting of Oblates in Rome. Reports from these meetings provide a great deal of information and inspiration for individual oblate communities. In July of each year there is an annual retreat for the Oblates of St. Mary’s Abbey, at the conclusion of which new oblates are invested and Oblate Novices make their Act of Oblation.