Today’s world is often very fast-paced and stressful. Many people find that coming to St. Mary’s Abbey for a couple of days of quiet contemplation helps them to maintain a healthy perspective on the pressures of their lives and to revive their sense of gratitude for the gifts God has bestowed on them.
The campus of St. Mary’s Abbey, while only a little over two miles from the center of Morristown, is an oasis of peace and quiet in the midst of a bustling suburban area. The campus itself consists of a little less than 200 acres that is surrounded by national and county parkland. Retreatants can choose to remain in the Retreat Center (Schmeil-O'Brien Hall) or chapel for solitude, prayer, reading and reflection or to walk on the grounds in walking meditation.
"Listen and attend with the ear of your heart."
-St. Benedict of Nursia, Prologue, Rule
We strive to provide an environment in which retreatants can become more aware of the Divine through prayer and contemplation. We offer a fully functioning Chapel that is available for liturgical services, Eucharistic Adoration or simply private prayer and contemplation.
In addition, all retreatants, group and private, are invited to join the Monks at Matins (Morning Prayer) and/or Mass/ Vespers at which they recite the Divine Office. The evening Vespers are particularly popular with retreatants as the Monks chant the Psalms at this session.
The St. Mary’s Abbey Retreat Center is an ideal place to bring a group for spiritual renewal, solitude, prayer or for a powerful retreat experience.
In addition to the Retreat Center, we offer hospitality to individual guests and couples in Vincent House. There are seven spacious rooms available - all with en suite facilities.The Retreat Center can accommodate up to 59 persons comfortably, in combinations of single and double occupancy rooms while Vincent House can accomodate individual guests. Both the Retreat Center and Vincent House feature
• Clean, furnished rooms with linens provided
• Air conditioning
• Three healthy meals per day served in spacious dining hall
• Spiritual reading material in the library and lounges
• General conference room with audio-visual equipment
• Areas for small group discussions
• Kitchenette with refrigerator, pantry facilities, and microwave oven
• Woodland paths & neighboring parks for meditative walks.